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Old Tue Nov 04, 2008, 09:13pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by njdevs00cup View Post
Men's league: Batter takes a called strike two. He steps out, gives me a stare and steps back in. Batter swings at a fastball for strike three. While in the batter's box, he looks at me and says for all to hear, "That F***ing pitch was inside!"

I tossed him from the game and was later told I shouldn't have by my assigner! Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!
You don't say where the 3rd strike was, or the 2nd called strike. If the 3rd was inside then he is right and his comment was about himself swinging at an inside pitch. For that he is not complaining about calls. If it was not, and the 2nd called strike was inside then he is retroactively complaining about a call and using the F word to do it and deserves to be tossed.

If the 3rd strike he swung at was inside, I would say "yep", in an adult game.
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