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Old Mon Nov 03, 2008, 12:20pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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I'll let them vent, but once we've had another play I expect it to stop.

One of my challenges as a white hat is to ignore the sidelines. I've done that very well this year. Twice I've addressed the sidelines -- both times the coach kept repeating himself loudly and I figured the only way to handle it was to say something. So I raised my hand and said, "I heard you. That play's over. Move on," or something like that. Once I had to follow up with a stern "No more."

I did have an USC against a coach in a varsity game a few weeks ago, but he screamed a profanity and knew he had it coming (matter of fact multiple flags went flying on that one).

Watching the Lions/Bears game yesterday, I couldn't believe how much crap NFL wings have to take. And apparently, the coach has free reign to say whatever he wants, cause I lipread quite a few MFers directed at the officiating crew by the Lions' coach and the official pretty much pretended the coach wasn't there and never addressed him. Honestly, if that's what it takes to be an NFL official, I'm not sure it would ever be the gig for me.
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