Blast from the past. Wow.
This is my fifth year and last week was the first time I'd ever thrown a 15 USC for a coach chirping (there have been other times I've let stuff go that was over the line and regretted it, but that didn't have bearing on this instance).
Chirping is annoying, but, fine, vent. But when you question my integrity or that of the crew, I'm not putting up with it. I got him in the first quarter and while one of his assistants, very
sotto voce, was speaking about us the second quarter, there weren't many peeps out of them the second half.
I agree with Rut - you shouldn't have rabbit ears is one thing that was taught to me early on. But when they cross that line, nail 'em.
Coach management is something I need to work on, too. Because my nature is to rip a guy, and you can't do that.
One reason I loved being a back judge. Only we don't have them sub-varsity here.