Originally posted by GarthB
My questions
1. Can anyone verify that indeed there have been losses in suits that included the official?
2. Does anyone know the status and future of NFOA?
3. Do we need to now explore extra insurance coverage to cover our butts?
Garth my question (since the cases were setlled) would be
What type of lawsuits to begin with?
What no-one checking bat specs and someone got hurt with any illegal bat? In other words that's a lot of money to be settled, so it would be important to know the exact nature of these lawsuits.
Also, as far as your question number 3 goes I believe most of us have add'l coverage anyhow whether through NASO or Official.com
Perhaps we are seeing the TRUE results from an overall shortage of officials. Are untrained officials being sent out to do games? Also, what kind of training do they actually receive?
As far as I know, all one needs to do in order to get HS certified is pass the test and attend the minimum number of meetings and you can officiate with little or NO experience whatsoever.
As long as you are a warm body you will officiate. Also, do the lawsuits break down by what type of sport? In other words how many settlements were baseball related, football related etc.
Perhpas Tim Stevens or Kyle know the answer to this
Thanks for the info
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth