Originally Posted by bob jenkins
It was "discovered" as soon as B stopped / turned around. What happened after that shouldn't have. Don't allow B's "basket" to count for anyone.
In my view, it's much the same as the official announcing 2 shots when it should be 1-1. If "everyone" plays the rebound, then continue. If only one person plays the rebound, then fix the problem.
Ultimately one of the Crew should have figured this out before the toss, and it should never have happened.
Discovered would be in MHO when the officals determine that they were sleeping and screwed the pooch. Everything up to that point counts take your medicine and move on.
But you can not blow your whistle until you figure out that there was screw up that you made, if the kid figures it out you can not penalize him for it.
but per chance what if the kid didn't know it was the right basket, and most likely if everyone in the gym isn't yelling it by now the kid isn't going to know it either.