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Old Tue Sep 10, 2002, 03:41pm
SDUMP SDUMP is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 28
As a 14-year official and a player before that, I can speak of experience that the balls have changed - USSSA used a .50 core ball (which we still use for home run hitting contests during some tournaments that my sporting goods store puts on - after all, it isn't like you can sell that ball anymore because it is too "hot").
ASA has switched from a .47 core to a .44 core, and I believe is contemplating going to a .40 core (that is according to our state UIC and Men's Commissioner).
As far as the bats, if the ball loses its pop, that means the bats are going to have to get more pop - a vicious cycle, but one that is going to continue.
As far as the manufacturers - they plan to redistribute the weight of the bats to make them not so end-loaded when the consumer sends their bats back, thus complying with ASA regulations (this is what my manager - UMP57006 - was told by the Worth rep).
So right now, it is ugly, but like Mike said, your list from the ASA website (dated) is all you need to show the manager - in fact, I carry one in my ball bag.
Hopefully, the manufacturers and ASA get together and get it straightened out for next season.
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