Retirement...when it's time?
I wanted to get some thoughts on a retirement issue. First, let me set the stage:
Crew has been together in some form since mid 1990s. The umpire, who turns 60 early next year, is the least active and physically vulnerable official on the crew...of course he's in the middle.
Over the past few years he has become increasing susceptible to getting hit during games. Sometimes it is an innocent stepping on the toes, while other times it involves the need for a trainer’s attention. Over the past season, he needed attention from a trainer during at least three games, and this doesn’t include the basic contact he is getting on an almost weekly basis. My concern is his physical well being, and how to go about presenting facts that it is probably in his best interest to be working games involving younger players rather than Friday night varsity games. As a result of his vulnerability, his mechanics are suffering.
For example, this past Friday, on a two-point conversion attempt, the U was eight yards deep in the EZ rather than on the LOS, and got hit by a defensive player trying to get to the receiver. He said he was there because he was having trouble seeing the line play. He ended up throwing a flag in anger for a PF on the player for intentionally running into him…it took a discussion to get from him that he had not seen the play, (in fact none of the other officials did), it would be a disqualification foul for contacting an official, and he wasn’t sure the player involved, so we waved off the flag, which made him more angry in that I wasn’t “protecting him”.
I’m sure some of you have had to deal with this, and it isn’t an easy situation. Any suggestions on different ways to go about getting him to see he is nearing the end of his career as a Friday night official? I know he would be a great observer, mentor, and official of games involving younger players, but I want to get him to make the decision on his own.
Thanks in advance for your comments.