I'm so happy to know that in the 11 years since I lived in Texas, not a damn thing has changed.
Don't worry. Same crap happens up here, except the state tournaments are bigger -- gotta be PC and all-inclusive and all that other stuff. We have excellent umpires assigned to state from all over WA, and some others who quite frankly have no business owning a blue shirt.
You would think Charles Breithaupt, Peter Contreras or someone would come up with something to make things better down there. After all, everything is bigger and better in TX, right?

One of Breithaupt's basketball teams got screwed at state about 25 or so years ago, so you'd think he had a vested interest. Peter's been insulated in the UIL office for so long...
They're both great guys, but there are great guys and gals running things in most every state. It would seem they all want to be certain they have the BEST working the playoffs and especially at the state tournament...