Originally Posted by bob jenkins
If it's verbal and your partner hears it, you probably want to stay out of it.
If it's an inappropriate gesture behind your partner's back, you probably wnat to get it.
Generally good advise but I will add:
If your partner has already stuck him and he is still being an ahole, you might want to whack and dump him (this should be discussed in pregame). This way it doesn't give the perception that your partner had it in for him and was going to eject him no matter what. You are a team out there and this is one way of being a strong team member.
Also, if you are working with a younger/ inexperienced or weak official you might have to whack him if your partner won't to keep control of the game and get the coach focused back on coaching. I might tell my partner at a deadball, that if he keeps it up he is going to have to get him, bc if he doesn't I am going to. Then see if he takes care of business. If not, take care of it yourself.
Other than these examples, Bob's guidance is wise.