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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 28, 2008, 08:36am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Ohio, cincinnati
Posts: 813
Originally Posted by tomegun View Post
You are kidding right? If I'm reading what you wrote, a young official will know when to whack a coach.
Many young officials let a coach go totally over the line and they learn from experience. One way to learn is ask as the OP has done and some of the responses have been very good. But some...
Oh they will know it - what will distinguish them from the others is if they pull the trigger.
I know veterans who don't hit the big fat ones because they are afraid of losing votes or game or their poularity.
That is a part of the learning process, as is asking for all of this great information.
New and improved: if it's new it's not improved; if it's improved it's not new.
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