Originally posted by GarthB
Adoption is up to each state. And even when FED is adopted by a state, certain rules are governed by local option.
Garth what about insurance issues? If a state does not adopt FED, but OBR, for all practical purposes there are no bat restrictions dealing with weight. You could have a minus 15 bat or these new Titanium bats.
As you are aware FED has a bat spec policy of minus 3, so my question? do states that do not adopt FED have to supplement their own insurance?
Also, doesn't it seem odd that only 2/3 states would not adopt FED?
I guess my real point is this. In college, all activities (ie recruiting rules, game rules etc.) are governed by the NCAA. In other words in college one doesn't have a choice. The NCAA rules as we have seen when schools received the death penalty for recruiting violations ala SMU after the Dickerson years.
Let's assume the FED adopts a policy of Steroid testing for HS athletes. If a state does not abide by FED rules, then technically they wouldn't have to follow that policy since this restriction is not contained in the rules.
I gues I am having a hard time inderstanding why there are only a few states that do not use FED rules and the rest of the US does. If there is one overriding body (ala the NCAA) in HS called the NFHS then IMO all schools should have to abide by the rules / regulations set forth by that governing body or you could have each school do what they want.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth