Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
Interesting that the case switches from referring to mere "contact" to "use hands in the manner described".
The case play is illustrating that the contact itself was legal. It was not holding, clipping, nor any other way of illegally contacting a player. The reason it was a foul was because the A1 was not a potential blocker. It doesn't matter if the hit on A1 is from the front with open hands, above the waist, it is still a foul.
Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
But were the rules actually changed in Fed to prohibit all forms of contact by B against an eligible A receiver on B's side of the neutral zone when a forward pass is still possible and the A player is clearly not a blocker?
The correct phrase is "potential blocker". It may not be clear if A1 is intending on blocking B23 or running a pass route. As long as A1 potentially may end up blocking B23, then B23 can hit him. If A1 is moving away or has passed B23, A1 is not a potential blocker and cannot be contacted by B23.
Yes, all contact by B is illegal in that situation. I do not call every touch by B a foul though. More or less unless A is affected then I let it go.