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Old Thu Oct 23, 2008, 03:54pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Mike, I have to differ with you, based on the exact wording, which says:
Originally Posted by ASA Rulebook
A batted, pitched or thrown ball that is touched, stopped or handled by a person not engaged in the game, or which touches loose equipment OR any object that is not part of the official equipment or official playing area.
By my reading, the ball touching loose equipment, whether official or not, creates a blocked ball. As does touching any object that isn't official equipment (say, a powerade bottle left on the field), or not part of the official playing area (a tree branch overhanging the field). Interference would only apply if it is loose offensive equipment; loose defensive equipment could cause obstruction if a runner tripped over it.

But the ball hitting legal defensive equipment that the defense allowed loose is a blocked ball by the exact wording of the definition. Same, in my mind, as the bats the on-deck batter may legally swing, and are legal equipment; if ODB sets the bat down and the ball hits it, we have a blocked ball.
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