Originally Posted by topper
That's exactly what I'm saying. When anything other than the quality of an official is used to determine assignments, it does a disservice to the game.
I don't think either one of us are arguing with this. However, you wanted to blame the UIL or TASO for the failure of the various chapters, apparently. After all, it is there that the list of names that goes to UIL orginates. Now, granted, that a top 25% offical from Dallas or Houston or San Antonio may be more qualified than a top 25% from a chapter that has 20 total officials. But the folks in the local chapters should know who is qualified, that's the point. Don't lay the blame at the feet of TASO or UIL. All they see at UIL is a list of folks supposedly qualified to officiate at this level. The officers of each chapter know what the list they are submitting is for.
Originally Posted by topper
This is an inappropriate question that would require an inappropriate answer. .
Maybe not the best question, but certainly to the point. A female, who happens to be hispanic, who happens to be an excellent umpire. But fair enough...let's skip this and move on.
What I have seen at the state tournament are umpires who are there, trying to give it their best. Men and women who, while maybe not succeeding, are striving to be the best official, and give the best game they possibly can. As with anything, no doubt, there are exceptions. The chapter president from Podunk, Texas, who wants to get his good friend into the state tournament because it is his "lifelong dream," who submits year after year this unqualified official's name. Of course this stuff happens. But all the folks in Austin can do is look at a list, and assume that these are the best officials that Texas has to offer. From there do they pick diversely, I don't know. Does it really matter? I mean, according to the list, isn't Jane Doe as good as John Doe as good as Juanita Dos as good as Jean Deaux in theory??? Maybe not in fact, but in theory? The only other option would be to pay someone to travel and personally evaluate every umpire in the state of Texas. Are you willing to see your TASO dues go up, say 200% for this to happen?
Originally Posted by topper
Why do I have to have a "beef" to voice my opinion of the state of HS softball in my area? I'm not sure why you keep trying to make this about me.
I am not trying to make this about you. I am trying to explain, apparently unsuccessfully, how the system works. There is no grand conspiracy to keep qualified officials out of the state tournament. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Peter Contreras and Walt Sparks and all of the schools participating in the state tournament want the best officials available. If your local chapter is failing to provide this information to the state, then either speak to the officers, or throw them out the next time elections roll around. The chapter officers are supposed to represent you and your interests to TASO, and TASO is supposed to represent those interests to the UIL (which they failed miserably on with the latest changes to Section 1204, but that is another story.) If you can think of, and implement a better system, I say go for it. But consider the size of this state, the number of officials working any one sport at any one time, and I think the system we have in place is probably about the best you are going to come up with.