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Old Thu Oct 23, 2008, 09:20am
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally Posted by topper View Post
Wow! Taso does all that up there in N TX? Down here, even if there were evaluations taking place, there are far too many playoff games to be covered. If only good umpires were qualified to call in the postseason, they would have to drastically cut back on the number of teams making the playoffs.

You also failed to mention TASO's puppet master, UIL, and how their mandates determine much about postseason assignments. Allowing HS coaches to pick their officials is absurd. UIL determines the make-up of the state tournament based more on race, gender, and geographical diversity than umpiring ability. I have seen some really bad things happen at state from an umpiring standpoint
First of all, TASO does that everywhere in the state. The actual on field evals are the domains of the individual chapters, so if they are not happening, you need to address your board. If there are any umpires working a playoff game that do not meet the minimum requirements set by TASO where you are, then upon discovery, those games will be rendered void. The guidelines are there for everyone to read, both coaches and officials, on the TASO website.

UIL is the governing body for all HS competition in the state of Texas, and has been long before there was a TASO or anything else. It only stands to reason, then, that they will have a say in how events are conducted in the state, since that is the nature of their business. The officials that appear at the state tournament are those that their individual chapter's board (president, VP and secretary) have stated repeatedly are in the top 25% of their officials. Therefore, if you have seen officials that are less than worthy of working a state tournament (and I know you have), then the blame rests sqaurely on the board of that official's chapter. They submitted the name, time and again, and stated that in their opinion this was one of the best that they have. (Which, sadly, may be true.) You can't hold either TASO or UIL responsible for this. In fact, I know of at least two incidents when these less than able officials have been sent packing by the folks at the state tournament, never to be allowed back. They don't want to see it anymore than you do. So of course this statement, "UIL determines the make-up of the state tournament based more on race, gender, and geographical diversity than umpiring ability," is totally incorrect. The selections are made from lists sent by the individual chapters, and the points that official has earned via TASO.

I do agree with you on the coaches having the ability to select officials for post season play, though.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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