FED rules, HS varsity game last night. I'm R1.
My partner goes to check the lineups on the court before the start of game two of the match and discovers that both teams have screwed up the lineups. They have the six players on the floor that they want, but not in the serving order they want. We decide to call it a wash and start the game. After the match, I went to the rule book and case book to see how we should have handled. We came up with three alternatives:
1. Treat it as a double foul and replay
2. Penalize each team, ie. award a point to Team S, side out Team R and allow them to serve.
3. Penalize in the order we discovered.
We discarded option 3 as there is no protocol defining which lineup to check first.
I did call the state rules interpreter for an official interpretation, but wanted to know how everyone else would handle this situation.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!