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Old Wed Oct 22, 2008, 10:28am
referee99 referee99 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 624
As if on cue.
Referee Magazine, page 22, "Test Yourself"

2. After a goal by team A, B1 is holding the ball out of bounds on the endline for the ensuing throw-in. Before the throw-in ends, A2 and B3 are called for a double foul near the division line. How shall play continue?
a. Alternating possession throw-in.
b. Team B shall receive the throw-in.
c. The throw-in shall be nearest the spot of the foul.
d. The throw-in shall be anywhere along the endline where the original throw-in was to occur.
e. The throw-in shall be at a designated spot along the endline where the original throw-in was to occur.
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