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Old Tue Oct 21, 2008, 09:02pm
tjones1 tjones1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Ok...just making sure.

A3 and B2 are whistled for a held ball. The AP is pointed towards Team A.

Now, lets apply the same situation.

Team A has the ball for a throw-in. A1 is the thrower. After A1 releases the ball and while the ball is still in the air (untouched by B and A), a double foul is called on B3 and A2.

So, POI is to give the ball back to Team A for a throw-in (4-36-2b) as their AP throw-in did not end.

A1 has the ball again for throw-in. The ball is legally touched by A3. Does the AP arrow change?

I say, yes. However, reading 6.4.5 Situation A Comment I am doubting my reasoning. Thanks again for helping and clarifying.
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