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Old Tue Oct 21, 2008, 03:46pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by jritchie View Post
Just looking at this and wondering how many people try to blow the whistle and get the ball back to the shooter after they dribbled it off their foot or whatever they did to lose it, before they step across the line or before another player steps across the lane to retrieve the ball? Or do you just blow the whistle for the violation and take away the shot and if there is another shot, shot it or if not give the ball to the other team OOB.
I'm a little confused by the post --
LAST year, the rulng was "blow the whistle and give the ball back." THIS year, the ruling is "immediate violation."

While I'm not sure the current interp is supported by rule, it is what everyone expected the past several times this happened to me -- there was always a bit of discussion when we gave the ball back to the FT shooter.
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