Sportscenter had a few minute long discussion on it this morning. They showed multiple angles and tried to explain what was going on. The umpire started where he always does, then, when the play developed and looked like it was going to the right, he moved off to the left to get out of the way. The QB then cut back to the left, heading right at the umpire in his new position. They showed it in real time and in slow mo...and it looked like when the cut back happened he tried quickly to bolt into a space between the approaching QB and the attacking defenders. That hole, however, quickly closed and he then braced for the impending impact. His football background apparently took over (he used to be a linebacker) and instead of bracing for the hit he actually delivered one of his own. They also had the post game interview with the LSU coach and he said it happens quite often...but usually ends up with the umpire on his behind, not the player. They all were having a pretty decent laugh about it.
"To dee chowers!!"