Originally Posted by wadeintothem
F4 is either fielding a batted ball OR R1 is out. There is no nano second OBS from the moment of release of the throw to the moment of the catch by F6. Thats not the intent of the rules and I'm surprised anyone is making any comments to the contrary.
I'm not as sure as you are that I wouldn't HTBT, but a good case can be made for this to be considered a "crash". I only questioned the idea that and obstructed runner can be called out between the bases where OBS occurred.
Originally Posted by wadeintothem
In fact, I'd say if F6 had missed the throw you might have gotten away with a freebie OOO int Out, which would be preferable to this horrible OBS call.
Now who's making things up? Did R1 running into F4 affect F6's ability to catch the ball even if it didn't affect the throw? When you make that call, please post it on here so others can bash you like you've bashed them.