If you visit the various Message Boards and read various articles, the one theme relevant is How do I advance, Get the High Profile Games and the good Game FEES from doing advanced ball.
In most instances it's Human Nature to want to advance but the question? Are we Ready?
What does that mean? Here are some of my thoughts.
1. Do you freeze when punching out a batter for strike three when F1 throws a pitcher's pitch, you know the Bread and Butter Pitch which is right at the knees and on either corner.
2. Do you not call an infraction of the rules, because that call could mean the difference. ie; R3 F1 Balks do you call it. Also, by Balk I don't mean the no brainer Balks. HT up last inning score tied R3 and F1 double sets with R3. Will you call it or ignore it.
There are also many other type infractions that if the game wasn't BIG or meaningful we wouldn't have a problem calling.
3. Do you come across as being NERVOUS not sure of yourself etc.
In other words while we want that BIG Game and exposure are we really ready? There's a progression involved and sometimes we are not willing to pay the price.
As with all things there are exceptions to the rule where an umpire gets thrown into a Varsity Game for his /her first assignment and it works, but by and large IMO there's a progression involved so that when your turn comes up One is Ready.
Also, IMO if one is comfortable in staying put (we all have our own goals), there's nothing wrong with that either and an umpire shouldn't be chastized because they don't want to move up.
A mentor is real important during the development process and can aid you along the way. Another problem today is that do to the shortage sometimes an umpire through no fault of their own gets thrown into a situation in which they are not prepared for.
Yes there are politics involved and we all have our own opinions on how associations should run, but the ultimate responsibility lies with us and what we are willing and able to do in moving up. There are Family / Work issues involved.
So what are your thoughts regarding an Umpire being ready for PRIME TIME
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth