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Old Mon Oct 20, 2008, 01:08pm
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Bill View Post
Does this only apply to this particular instance? What if A2 did not enter the lane prior to the free throw, but A1 shot an airball? I think it's been said on here that you don't ignore the second violation in this case, and you go to the possession arrow (if it's one-and-one).
I had this exact scenario (for the first time ever) just last weekend. And we went to the arrow.

Unfortunately the penalties section for free throws is kind of long. But here's the section relevant to the case:

4. If there is a violation first by the free-thrower's opponent followed by the free thrower or a teammate:
a. If both offenders are in a marked lane-space, the second violation is ignored, as in penalty item (2).
b. If the second violation is by the free thrower or a teammate behind the free-throw line extended and the three-point line, both violations are penalized, as in penalty item (3).
c. If a violation by the free thrower follows disconcertion by an opponent, a substitute free throw shall be awarded.
d. If a fake by an opponent causes the free thrower or a teammate of the free thrower to violate, only the fake is penalized.
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