Originally Posted by mikebran
Board Members?
First, it really matters what the size and volume of your ASSOC business is.
25 officials group vs 200 and a $600,000 annual business.
After suffering severe head trauma, and being convinced I was not really Abraham Lincoln, I ran for and was elected to my ASSOC board. (Re-elected twice).
Best umpires? Absolutely not important. Look at me.
Popular? In reality it affects voting.. but also not important.
As mentioned elsewhere, the most important criteria are twofold and connected:
Does this person share your views about the direction and future of your association?
Will they WORK?
Why would a person sign up to VOLUNTEER 100s, maybe 1000s of hours of time at 0$ recompense?
Separate out those with a (personal?) ax to grind from those who are simply passionate about their association, its members, and this avocation.
This is why the NBUA in western washington is as successful as it is...
People like Mike and others who donate their time so others can work at their leisure and make a decent rate while enjoying the game they love...
People on the front lines fighting for game fees and keeping our customers happy.
Thanks Mike
Scooter aka Nigel