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Old Thu Oct 16, 2008, 07:37pm
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Originally Posted by jmkupka View Post
"2) Batter swings and barely nicks the ball. The ball goes sharply and directly to the catcher's hands, going higher than the batter's head, and is caught. What do you have?

C (A foul ball & a dead ball. [my parentheses])"

This is a typo, though, right Mike? Sharp and direct into the hands cannot be a foul ball & a dead ball.

Sorry I don't have the knack for the quotes
I don't disagree, but before the rule was changed, how many umpires would call that a caught fly ball?

In today's world, there can be some serious size/height differences among the players at all levels, but mostly 10U. It is not inconceivable to have a catcher on her knees and still be as tall as a batter. Therefore, it wouldn't be impossible for a catcher to get a high pitch tipped into her glove that was or seemed over the batter's head.

The purpose of the rule change in Tucson in 2005 was to eliminate any requirement other than going sharply and directly to the catcher's glove/hands.
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