Originally Posted by umpduck11
Do you get hit in the ears often ? The only times I've ever seen it happen,
the umpire turned his head and caught it with his ear. In all my years of umpiring, I've never been hit in the side of the head with a ricochet or any foul or bouncing ball.
If an umpire does what he should and stay facing forward, the ear extensions
of a mask will protect them.
I've always hated this argument regarding HSMs. Yes, if everything is done correctly, a regular mask will protect what can be hit. However, as we've seen even MLB umpires flinch and get seriously injured as a result of it, no umpire is going to stay rock-steady on 100% of pitches. The HSM takes care of protection in those cases where a flinch occurs. Now, if it is used as a crutch, so to speak, to enable improper form, that is an entirely different issue.