Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Not that it is a surprise, but the MLB rule does not support Mr. Drake's interpretation. Now, they may very well have another interp, but MLB often includes permissible rulings where there may be a question in the rule book itself.
The problem with OBR is that there are ARs and comments from the long-dead MLB casebook in the copy of OBR you buy at the bookstore or download, but there are many more explanations and comments found only in the Jaksa/Roder guide and MiLB manual (both available for the public to purchase), or the manual Jim Evans gives you at his school and the MLB Umpire Manual (neither of which are available to the general umpiring public). To really understand OBR an umpire needs to obtain and study more than just the rulebook itself. I like the idea of one publication like ASA's rulebook that has all the ARs in it.
Like I said, now we know for sure what MLB's position is on this rule.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
To me, this interp and U-trips wording is just a search for a gotcha on the defense, probably spurned on by player's belief.
It looks like U-trip is alone in their version of this rule. Just something for umpires who work multiple rulesets to be aware of.
As for Mr. Drake, who ran an excellent site and seemed like a great guy, a well-respected poster on the baseball board suggested that soon, no MiLB or MLB exec will care that he has a website...