Fri Oct 10, 2008, 02:45pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 157
Originally Posted by JFlores
Baseball games no accomadations, if your at one of the better schools you get water, gatorade, and sometimes a hot dog if your good looking, since i dont lack in that area i get hot dogs  .
Basketball you get to dress in the locker rooms used by students. You may get water you may not depends if its an inner city school or not.
Volleyball, dress in car. You get drinks at some schools.
Football anything below JV, come dressed. The few varsity that i have done as a box man, they give you a locker room and drinks at halftime.
Private schools are the best schools at taking care of the officials in my opinion. You usually get paid within a week too.
Get paid within a week???? Wow. We get paid at halftime.