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Old Fri Oct 10, 2008, 06:24am
Ed Hickland Ed Hickland is offline
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Thanks to those who sent private messages. I have been bombarded with calls, messages, opionions, etc. over this one call.

I remembered how I tried to get those 6 seconds off the clock but being honest the play clock started at 31. Then came the delay of game, in fact, the clock was directed to put 6 on the clock has it had ticked down to one and he was the losing home team operator.

The Newsday message board wants my head and funny thing happened yesterday, got a call to do a game at Sayville -- not on my life!

Quickly, here is what happened. The fumbled snap came rolling toward me and it appeared it had been recovered and I would have to separate the players to determine possession. Notice the Kings Park player come in and shield my view at the same time I am looking for the ball and holding my whistle when suddenly the ball is in the air. How did it get there? At 1/5 normal speed the answer is simple in real time not so simple.

We conferenced. The story I got was the player in wrestling the ball away knocked it in the air. Whats the rule, if you cannot prove intentional its accidential and I am positive someone will criticize the logic.

Should I have seen the throw (the player admitted he threw the ball yesterday)? Should I have been so close?

We did not make the right decision and why? I had the line judge on that side go over the video.

This is one of those where you blew it and egos prevent you from saying it.
Ed Hickland, MBA, CCP
[email protected]
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