1. On the snap when R puts the ball in play.
2. On the snap when K puts the ball in play to start the 2Q because the 1Q ended during the free kick.
3. K is repeating the down and the clock will start on the RFP.
4. Clock starts on the RFP. No untimed down.
5. a)RFP b)Snap
6. a) Accept-1/10, clock on RFP; Decline-R ball, start on snap.
b) Accept-4/4, clock on RFP, clock runs out; Decline-R ball, start on snap.
7. Untimed down.
8. B declines the penalty, retains the ball because of the turnover and the game is over because the clock surely expired with all of that happening.
9. Accept -untimed down with penalty enforcement of 5 yards from previous spot; Decline-results of the play. Surely they will accept and the untimed down will start at the B17.
10. a) RFP; b) Snap
11. Snap
12. a) Snap; b) RFP
Good quiz. I hope I did better than 50%. Clock starting is one of my weak areas.
Edited to fix my brain cramp.
"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?" Anton Chigurh - "No Country for Old Men"
Last edited by MNBlue; Thu Oct 09, 2008 at 09:39am.