1. Never.
2. When K3 first touched the ball.
3. Start the clock on the ready and get ready for an untimed down.
4. Start on the ready but no untimed down.
5. a) Ready b) Snap
6. a) accept penalty, 1st down for A then clock will start on ready, decline, 1st down for B and clock will start on snap. b) accept penalty, 4th down for A then clock will start on ready, decline, 1st down for B and clock will start on snap. Accepting the penalty in either situation will run out the game clock but will require an untimed down.
7. A has option of replaying the entire down or taking the result of the play where the whistle was blown. The period will be extended by an untimed down either way.
8. If the clock ran out during the play then the game is over. B has the option of declining the penalty and keeping the ball or accepting the penalty and giving A the ball at B-10. Either way there is no untimed down.
9. If ineligible downfield is declined then A gets a touchdown. If accepted then A gets an untimed down from B-17.
10. a) if accepted the clock will start on the ready but an untimed down is likely. If declined then the clock will start on the ready. b) the clock will start on the snap.
11. The clock will start on the snap after a fair catch.
12. The clock will start on the snap if this penalty is declined. a) the clock will start on the snap. b) the clock will start on the ready.