Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Dan_ref
Happened in camp. Guard A1 drives lane from the 3 pt line,
right down the middle. Big man B1 sets up in front of, but
not under the basket. B1 is completely legal, standing there
with both hands straight up. A1 picks up his dribble, goes
up for the shot, realizes there's no way he's getting the
ball over B1. While in the air A1 tosses the ball into B1's
stomach and catches it before he hits the ground. No contact. What's the call?
T'aint no call.It's legal.Rulebook 9-5-3 and Casebook 9.5.3Sit.
Freakin' rules guys.
We had the no call also, although I gotta admit it was
more like a "not-so-sure call" on my part - don't call what
you can't explain. One of the coaches disagreed, can you
guess which one?