Originally posted by Roger Greene
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
you are walking around with a baseball mentality.
I'll take that a a complement, even if you didn't mean it that way!
Roger Greene
It wasn't meant to be disparaging, but that to which I have constantly run into when discussing situations with baseball umpires and NFHS-only softball umpires, many of which developed from a baseball association.
Just like the missed plate, missed tag at home. ASA softball has a criteria that this is two different calls while baseball considers it a no call until one or the other actually do something. Most of the baseball umpires consider ASA's method to be a sign of weakness as the umpire has reversed his call. When I try to explain that a runner is considered to have touched the base when passing it and the second half is just an appeal play, they tell me it's a stupid way to call ball.
I did baseball for more than 20 years and have done softball for about 14. I consider ASA's rules and mechanics much more logical and will stick with them.