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Old Wed Oct 08, 2008, 12:16am
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally Posted by topper View Post
Does the term "independent contractor" mean anything to you? What would compel someone to pass up $35-$40/game to work for $25/game? Loyalty? The opportunity to take a week's vacation and travel to an ASA natiional to work for $18-$20? Wake up and smell the cost of living.
You're asking ME to wake up and smell the cost of living? Oh, if you only knew. Since August of 2006 I have not been able to work more than five hours a day at my "real" job due to health reasons. Since April 1, I have been unable to work my "real" job at all. I am not going to get into all the reasons why, but that is beside the point.

Oh, that other waking up and smelling the cost of living? Medical expenses, including visiting up to four different makes of doctors every month and getting the prescriptions, costs about $1,000 a month. It would cost more, but my wife has decent insurance. Also I have chosen to ignore a couple of health concerns which I really shouldn't ignore, but life is made of choices. Ignoring them will very likely shorten my life, but, hey, just think what a difference slowly dying makes on the cost of living!

Obviously loyalty doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me and many others. If that is a "fault" in your eyes, I feel sorry for you. If you are in it for the money, please quit now and go cook fries at McDonalds, work at 7-11 or something else. You will make far more money (net profit) at Mickey D's than you ever will umpiring. You might not make as many friends for life at Mickey D's, but, heck, you'll be much better off in regards to the cost of living.

Oh, and that week's vacation to work a national for $18 a game? Well, I was supposed to go to Illinois in 2007 for a week's vacation and get that $18 a game, but things just didn't work out. However, I'd do it in a heartbeat -- and Thank God there are thousands of others who feel the very same.
An ucking fidiot
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