Thread: nfl rulebook
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Old Tue Oct 07, 2008, 11:41pm
DesertZebra DesertZebra is offline
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Posts: 58
Originally Posted by LDUB View Post
Article 15 A chop block is a foul by the offense in which one offense player (designated as A1
for purposes of this rule) blocks a defensive player in the area of the thigh or lower while another
offensive player (A2) occupies that same defensive player in one of the circumstances described
in sub-sections (1) through (10) below.
( 1) On a forward pass play, A1 chops a defensive player while the defensive player is physically
engaged by the blocking attempt of A2.
( 2) On a forward pass play in which A2 physically engages a defensive player with a blocking
attempt, A1 chops the defensive player after the contact by A2 has been broken and while
A2 is still confronting the defensive player.
( 3) On a forward pass play, A1 chops a defensive player while A2 confronts the defensive
player in a pass-blocking posture but is not physically engaged with the defensive player
(a “lure”).
( 4) On a forward pass play, A1 blocks a defensive player in the area of the thigh or lower, and
A2, simultaneously or immediately after the block by A1, engages the defensive player high.
Note: Each of the above circumstances in sub-sections (1) through (4), which describes a chopblock
foul on a forward-pass play, also applies on a play in which an offensive player indicates an
apparent attempt to pass block but the play ultimately becomes a run.
( 5) On a running play, A1 is lined up in the backfield at the snap and subsequently chops a defensive
player engaged above the waist by A2, and such block occurs on or behind the line
of scrimmage in an area extending laterally to the positions originally occupied by the tight
end on either side.
( 6) On a running play, A1, an offensive lineman, chops a defensive player after the defensive
player has been engaged by A2 (high or low), and the initial alignment of A2 is more than
one position away from A1. This rule applies only when the block occurs at a time when the
flow of the play is clearly away from A1.
( 7) On a kicking play, A1 chops a defensive player while the defensive player is physically engaged
by the blocking attempt of A2.
( 8) On a kicking play in which A2 physically engages a defensive player with a blocking attempt,
A1 chops the defensive player after the contact by A2 has been broken and while
A2 is still confronting the defensive player.
( 9) On a kicking play, A1 chops a defensive player while A2 confronts the defensive player in a
kick-blocking posture but is not physically engaged with the defensive player (a “lure”).
( 10) On a kicking play, A1 blocks a defensive player in the area of the thigh or lower, and A2,
simultaneously or immediately after the block by A1, engages the defensive player high.
Note: Each of the above circumstances in sub-sections (7) through (10), which describes a chopblock
foul on a kicking play, also applies on a play in which an offensive player indicates an
apparent attempt to kick protect, but the play ultimately becomes a run.
I surely hope you cut and paste that!
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