I did some shopping on the internet yesterday, and it is discouraging.
It seems that the number of manufacturers making umpire guards are very, very few.
Tons of people sell one of the two flavors of WV guards. All Star used to make umpire guards, which surprises me because I never saw them before yesterday. Diamond makes them in several different flavors, but I have never liked their equipment. Pro Nine makes them, and the there are the ultra light weight Davis model.
It seems that two or three other makers who used to have good ones don't make them any more. I am half tempted to make my own, as some guy on umpire.org is doing with building a new chest protector(
http://www.umpire.org/modules.php?na...ewtopic&t=7072 ).
As to hockey shins, I have never found a pair long enough for me to use, and some guys who have used them say they are not meant for Baseball umpiring. If there are more than just one or two who have used them I would be interested in your experience.