Originally Posted by CajunNewBlue
I gotta ask... why are we telling the players anything in regards to their warm-up pitch counts? .... I was under the impression that we count them and roll the ball count up as required. I mean, I sure as heck wouldn't tell any other player "not" to do something during the game to prevent a penalty going to the offense.
Just my 1.8565785 cents. I cant afford 2
It's called preventive umpiring and is a part of good game management. Sitting back and watching a pitcher take 8 warm-up pitches and then beginning the next at bat with a 3-0 count is, IMO, irresponsible. Remind them after the 4th if you like, penalize them after the 6th, but don't allow them to throw any more after that. Take control of the game.
BTW, since I read you are embarking on a college career, this approach is what the National Staff prefers as well.