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Old Sun Oct 05, 2008, 09:23pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by btaylor64 View Post
The heartache comes when you tell that coach that the team was still in team control even after she was taking the shot. Once again, this is mircrodoting and not a misapplication of the rules imo. if it is so close to leaving the players hand, as my sitch was, although i still believe it was in her hand, I'm not going to say there is still team control.
And this is why I asked you about your "pro philosophy." You just don't understand what it is to be an official at a non-entertainment level.

In a REAL basketball game officials apply the rules, are willing to make the tough calls, and don't give a d@mn what the coach thinks about their decisions.

Here is an interp issued by the NFHS a couple of seasons ago on just such a play:


At the top of the key, A1 beats B1 off the dribble, reaches
the free-throw line, and pulls up for a jump shot. At the apex
of the jump and before the ball is released, B2 comes from the
side and swats the ball out of A1’s hands. The ball goes
behind A1, deflects off A2 and into the backcourt, where A3 is
the first to touch it. RULING: A backcourt violation shall be
called. Team control had continued for Team A because the try
ended before the ball was in flight. (4-12-3a; 4-40-3,4;

Now go think about your "philosophy" on officiating for a while and post again when you are man enough to get plays right.
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