Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I don't know, John. You may want to do a little research on the game from which baseball evolved. Rounders included an underhand delivers years before anyone ever heard of baseball or softball. It also allow for the striker to run after three tries whether the ball was put into play or not (dropped 3rd strike).
I know the Doubleday Sect of the First Church of American Baseball have a caniption whenever someone doubts their sacred belief that Abner had something to do with the invention of baseball, but that's life.
If anyone out there believes in the Myth of Doubleday, please see your physician immediately and arrange for ECT.
Mike, you are right about rounders. I believe the same rule applied in the various o' cat games, Town Ball, various other "base" games and the Massachusetts Rules (where soaking was part of the game for many years after the introduction of the more gentlemanly New York rules of A. Cartwright)