Originally posted by etbaseball
There will always be people who choose the shortest and easiest route to answers. I don't because I know in the end those types of people get exactly what the deserve. Nothing in, nothing out.
I agree with et.. on this one. I will add that much of the value of the internet in general and boards like this one (baseball or otherwise) is access to a quick answer without much research. Think of all the times we use sites like Mapquest, etc. where we want a quick answer or piece of data without the time or burden of looking the information up ourselves. Likewise for those who may not have access to the information (rules, case, etc.). "Success" usually depends on appealing to a wide audience with a wide range of expertise.
I beleive that it is possible that this board, and others on umpiring tend to discourage people looking for a quick answer (to a potentially dumb question). I will not suggest that this is good or bad, but add that answering someone's potentially stupid question (judged stupid by this community) with a flame only serves to discourage questions. Good or Bad? I have mixed feelings myself.
Entertainment is also a selling piont and I find much entertainment on this board too. There is often a fine line between sarcasm and flame. Many times it is even harder to distinguish in text.
just a thought,