I think the NF and probably the NCAA should reconsider what the certifcation label means.
I did a little searching back prior years (like to 1993) where all there was in the rules was "note: beginning with the 1994 season, the use of sticky, adhesive, tacky gloves will be restricted" and in another rule "the use of penalty colored gloves is considered illegal equipment".
The label portion of the rule appeared in 1994. All the words about sticky, adhesive and tacky were removed and replaced with some ambiguous statment about voluntary compliance to some test specifications.
So what does that mean?
The NF reworded the rule some more in 1995 and added a note to the rule stating that there must be seperate sections for each finger and thumb.
Dang it all, if that isn't a test specification, then just what the heck is one.
Further more, this manufactucter of these Web like gloves obviously has not looked at the rule as that note is quite specific about seperate sections back as far as 1995.
Tackiness, material type, how glove is secured, color and "webbing" restrictions should be part of the test specs... end of problem. Either you comply with all of these specs or you cannot put a label on your money making gloves.