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Old Thu Oct 02, 2008, 08:08am
CoachP CoachP is offline
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Thumbs down Coach drags out the rule book

As not to hijack Fiascos thread about emailing or calling a coach, Here’s a new thread.

Originally Posted by M&M Guy View Post
Yep. I think the problem with that is everyone can see what you're doing, and all it does is show up the official. In fact, it pretty easily falls under the penalty for 10-4-1(b), and, depending on the crowd reaction, 10-4-1(f). (Since you apparently have one those rule book-thingies, you know what I'm referencing. )

I know, for the most part, you just want to make things right, but bringing out the rule book during the game will not work. If you want to discuss a rule after the game, at the local watering hole, in a friendly manner, I have no problem with that. I don't like it if I screw up a rule, and I venture to say almost all us would feel the same. But we will not have that type of discussion during the game.

Along those same lines, have you ever gone up to a ref after a game and apologized for using the wrong strategy at the end of a game, and it caused an overtime? How would you feel if an official came up to you during the game with a Dean Smith or Bob Knight book to point out what you're doing is wrong? Same therory - good discussion well before or after a game, just not during.
First of all, the Dean Smith/Bobby Knight comparison is apples and oranges. Not the “same theory”. Those are books chock full of opinions and strategies based on their experiences, not on rules. For example, there is not a rule that says I have to call a timeout when the opponent goes on a 10-0 run, nor do I have to switch on all screens. The rule book, however, is different. The officials’ job is to make sure a contest is finished where both teams play within a written set of rules.

Secondly, because of what I have learned here, I would never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never drag out a rule book during the course of a game. Nor would I promote it to other coaches. In fact, as an 8th year varsity coach, there is probably only one time where the thought even crossed my mind. (“Coach, the ball went in and we counted the basket, therefore it cannot be an intentional foul”)

Thirdly, the sitch I questioned:

Varsity level.
Team A down by one point. I am Coach A.
A1 hits jumper, end of game buzzer sounds as ball is passing thru basket as referee is blowing whistle for a foul on A2.
Ref waives off basket as explained in Fiasco's OP.

In this case, probably at the scorers table, there will be 2 coaches and 2-3 referees. If the referees confer that the basket is not counted, I WILL bring out my rule book. No fanfare, no stomping and snorting, just a simple rule discussion. I will not take it to the local watering hole. If the referees refuse to look at it or take offense, then the AD will be making a phone call.

Which would you prefer? A call from your assignor telling you that you kicked it -or- fix it before you leave?

Again, before I get flamed, my position is for THIS EXACT SITCH ONLY.

Tell me I'm wrong and defend it and I will take it like a man and learn.
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