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Old Wed Oct 01, 2008, 03:11pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
First of all that case play is EXACTLY the same as last year. There has been NO change in the wording of it at all, only the Situation letter has changed.
Well, shoot. I even went and looked in last year's book and I guess I just overlooked it.

Secondly, that play ruling is not helpful to answering whether or not the technicals from different categories may offset because in the example that it provides there are an equal number of on court fighters and team members leaving the bench.
I disagree. The offenders from different categories (team members who leave the bench and do not fight; and team members who leave the bench and fight) definitely are not equal. If they did not offset across categories, we would have to shoot free throws, regardless of when they left the bench area. Since the ruling is that there are no free throws attempted, the offenders from different categories clearly offset each other.
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