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Old Fri Sep 26, 2008, 02:58pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,898
NCAA reads as follows in the penalty section of rule 10:

Men 10-6 Art 1.: j. Reach through the throw-in boundary-line plane AND touch or dislodge the ball while it is in possession of the thrower or being
passed to a teammate outside the boundary line as in 7-5.8.a.

Women 10-3:
Art. 7. After a team warning has been issued, the opponents of the thrower-in having any part of their person beyond the vertical inside plane of any boundary line before the ball has crossed that boundary line.

Art. 8. Reaching through the throw-in boundary-line plane and touching or dislodging the ball while it is in possession of the thrower or being passed to a teammate outside the boundary line as in 7-5.8.a. This act shall also serve as a team warning for reaching through the boundary. (See Rule 4-17.1.g)

In NCAA-M there is no reference for a penalty for reaching across the plane.(BTW, I don't know why 7-5.8.a is referenced above, it's not applicable to this rule).

I know the NCAA-W clinic made major emphasis to the additional article added to the women's side.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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