Fri Sep 26, 2008, 12:35am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 109
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I agree with Steve's assessment of the mechanic. However, I do not agree with this comment:
I've seen some "college" umpires that aren't worth a $hit, period. OPINION I've seen HS umpires that are even worse. OPINION I've also seen HS umpires that could do great at the collegiate level.OPINION I've seen ASA umpires that could do great at both the HS & NCAA level.OPINION However...there are many ASA that aren't worth a $hit!!! OPINIONThat you didn't offer??
Like in baseball, the fact that someone has attained a certain level does not make them the best/more experience or higher than the next guy/gal. It simply means they are the best/more experienced available. Alot of "the best/more experienced available "umpires are not working on the spring weekends?
And there is one thing that some do not realize. ASA considers the rule book part of the package teams and umpires get for their registration. Ummm...yeh!! And you think it is a bargain? So does Amway!!
The NCAA does not have an umpire's association and I doubt they register the coach/team as an independent entity. They are a conglomerate of educational institutions banded together for the benefit and coordination of athletic programs. Kinda like companies (IBM, General Motors, Microsoft...etc... hiring the best available person to do the job they require?
Yes, other organizations offer their rules on line and they have every right to do so. I would think it all depends on each organization's philosophy and priority. And that is each organization's right and privilege.
Your right. AmWay or any other pyramid scheme can do the same?? Those at the top get a percentage of the company fees, from there it trickles down...to those who...who generate some type of registration...whether it be team..insurance...umpire...uniform..etc..?? Thats why a $3.00 rule book cost $50-$65.00?
Nothing inherently wrong with it...but lets be forthright in acknowledging it??
Last edited by socalumps; Fri Sep 26, 2008 at 12:53am.