[QUOTE]Originally posted by theboys
[B]A couple of things:
is the screen where the screener keeps moving to get in front of the player he's trying to screen, in effect, shielding the ball handler from the defender, illegal?
This is an illegal screen (if contact is made).
A legal screen where the screener is moving would be
when the players are moving in the same path and direction
the player in front(screener) slows up forcing the player in back (screenie) to slow up or go around.
There are situations where the screener may move to maintain his position, but in the case of screening a moving opponent without the ball movement by the screener must cease within the guidelines set forth in 4-39 (time and distance). While in the case of screening a stationary
opponent the screener could run circles around the player
short of contact.
There are two types of screens, Legal and illegal.
You can have Legal moving or staionary screens and
illegal moving or stationary screens. Why make it harder than it is?