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Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 11:14pm
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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For NFHS (which may be identical to USAV and NCAA?)...

When a proper substitution request is made (verbal and signal from HC, or by a sub entering the sub zone; resist the temptation to recognize a request from an assistant coach, a sub jumping up off the bench, player on the floor who believes she should be subbed out...recognizing these "improper" requests can come back to bite you if the coach doesn't want to sub at that moment)...

R2 whistles (usually a tweet tweet, to be distinctive from any whistle during play), gives the sub signal (kind of like bball's traveling, but with open hands) toward the side of the team that's subbing.

R1 mirrors the signal, but not the whistle.

R2 records the subs on the lineup card and reports them to the scorekeeper. Once the scorekeeper has them recorded, the R2 will give the sub the "enter" signal. Subs are not allowed to enter until you authorize it. If they do, call them back and make them do it right. You shouldn't need to do this more than once; they'll get the hint.

Some advice I was given is that as R2 position yourself on the opposite side of the scorekeeper from the subs, very near the table. Then report them as you record them. This speeds the process and allows you to keep them in your field of vision while easily getting confirmation from the scorekeeper that she has them recorded. Seems to work pretty well.

If a team has more than one sub, they must report together. The advice I've been given here, is that though they must report together, you only allow one at a time into the sub zone to reduce confusion. As each sub is completed, you allow the next one into the sub zone. But that may be a local adaptation.

I believe technically if both teams sub, you should have a second tweet tweet and sub signal for the second team, after you've "processed" the first team.

Once everybody is recorded and in the game, you turn the court back to the R1.

Work to make the whole process as quick and efficient as possible to minimize the disruption to the game.
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