Originally Posted by mick
Yeah, BillyMac. I'm U.P. in the sticks of Michigan's hardwoods, but perhaps you need a short lesson on hardwood floors. Actually it does figger. There had been quite a few floor hash suggestions for high school sports, the year after nearly every gym floor in the area was refinished. Adding a hash is relatively easy, but stripping and eliminating a hash is much more difficult to blend to the overall appearance, because the tincture of time fades and yellows a clear coat, while the wood is generally unchanged under an opaque hash. If the paint were removed, it would leave an un-yellowed floor which would be very visible, almost as visible as the original hash.So, assuming your area is better, I ask, "How much better?"
I think you misinterpreted my simple "Figures" answer. I was commenting on gyms in general, all over the country, including here in the "Land of Steady Habits": no X at table, no coaching boxes, old 28 foot hash marks, no lines three feet toward the baseline from the block (which aren't needed anymore), no "shadow" division line through the logo at center court, hashed semicircles in the lane, etc. I'm sure that only a few gyms in my area will have the new lines on the floor marking the top lane space, closest to the free thrower.
We even have a special rule here in Connecticut: Coaching Box must be marked. If home coach and/or home management refuse to designate coaching box with tape, the home team will not use a coaching box for that game. However, the visiting team will be allowed a coaching box. Notify Board Secretary or Commissioner the next day.