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Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 03:26pm
Ump153 Ump153 is offline
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Originally Posted by bigredmachine View Post
This all started when I just wanted an opininon or explanation on what some other umps would have ruled. That way I knew my partner got the call right. Pete told me I needed to go to clinics, which I have to several. You guys start freakin out on me. I am not trying to convince anybody of anything, I have called college ball for 10 years, a few D1 non conference games, but mostly NAIA and JUCO. I had great evaluations, but I coach High School ball so I just do summer and fall ball now. Lighten up fellas.

Thanks for all the advice, that is why I joined the boards.

Your intitial post was that of a neophyte. Now you claim to be a 10 year vet of college ball. Those two bits of information do not and will not mesh.

Most likely you are either a troll, or a phony.
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