Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
In our local rec league (we don't have school teams below HS level) we have to combine 3rd/4th, 5th/6th and 7th/8th grade girls only because we don't have enough of them sign up to have separate teams at each grade level. On the boys side, we have enough so that each grade has separate teams. If we had more girls sign up, we would separate them, also. This season, we are playing "interlocking" schedules with two neighboring city rec leagues so we have had a series of officiating meetings to come to a "meeting of the minds" (which leaves me out) to agree on rules for these games. Each of the three organizations has slightly different rules at the different grade levels. We start with HS rules, then modify for grade level. Pretty much, the other two have agreed to use our rules since we have been around doing this for over 30 years and they are both under 7 years in existence. I think next year, they will just adopt our rules for all their games.
Our local Rec Leagues are similar to what you describe. Boys have no problem fielding teams. One league has a G13-18 Division, which as you can imagine, has a real disparity in size, maturity, and level of play - 30 point blowouts are to be expected.
And, I only wish (seriously) we had as many coordination meetings and training sessions as some of you discuss on the Forum. Some of our leagues are not run as efficiently or effectively as I would like to see and could learn from....and yes, I have volunteered, and sometimes, even been taken up on my attempt to assist. Oh well.